Skip Cold & Flu Season This Year

Immunity is built today, and everyday. Here are my 8 tips to avoid cols and flu season this year.

1.   Wash hands OFTEN! 
It’s a no-brainer; if you want to keep germs away, keep them off your hands. That includes washing before and after meals, after coughing or sneezing, after being outside for a while, and especially after travelling via public transit. If you don’t have access to soap and water, opt for an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that kills infectious germs. Whatever you do, keep the face touching and eye rubbing to a minimum.

2.   Check your stress levels. 
Too much stress, especially for prolonged periods of time, can significantly lower your immune system—leaving you more susceptible to all kinds of illnesses. To help kick stress to the curb, find activities that help you relax and practice them often, like yoga, meditation, watching a favourite movie, listening to music, or going for a run. It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of me time!

3.   Eat a rainbow diet.
Fresh, colourful fruits and veggies are packed with essential nutrients that support your immune system, not to mention the overall wellbeing of your body. Also, make sure you limit your alcohol intake. (Sorry, but it’s for your own good!)

4.   Stay hydrated. 
This doesn’t mean soda or sugary juices. To stay properly hydrated, drink plain water, herbal tea, and modest amounts of all-natural bubbly water. A flavorful tip: If you find plain water dreadfully drab, you can liven it up with fresh fruit slices (e.g., lemon, lime, cucumber, cherries).

5.   Get enough sleep. 
Your body needs rest, period. But when you don’t sleep enough (7-9 hours), you increase your risk of catching something. So, make sure you catch those Z’s tonight!

6.   Get some exercise. 
There’s no better way to help clear your body’s airways than physical movement. Similar to your body’s fighting infection with a fever, your body temperature rises during a workout and may help your body’s defence against bad bacteria. To top it off, exercise also slows down the release of stress hormones. Less stress equals better immunity.

7.   Nix that smoking habit. 
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health, but it’s particularly bad for your immune system. The chemicals contained in a cigarette, like tar and radioactive compounds, can hinder your ability to fight off infections and viruses.

8.   See me for a naturopathic appointment
Have a personalised immune-boosting treatment plan. As everybody is different, I can tailor an effective strategy for your situation. Maybe you also have a history of catching every cold and flu there is – so ask me how you can also address the factors that may be weakening your immunity, such as a nutrient deficiency, stress or lack of sleep.